Kevin Matras shows how to calculate a stock’s price target and how to find stocks currently trading below them. Highlighted stocks include CAR, HA, HLX, IACI and ULTI.
This week, Kevin Matras shows how to use the Price to Sales ratio. Highlighted stocks include GPRE, KIRK, SPR, TOWR and VVTV.
Understanding VIX contango and ETF leverage can save you a small fortune. – Put Option Writing: Learn how to get paid whether the stock goes up or down and potentially get your stock at a cheaper price.
Kevin Matras talks about buying puts to protect profits and hedge against risk, and compares it to using stop loss orders.
No, not the band ‘Iron Butterfly’. But the options strategy. Quite possibly one of the best strategies for a sideways market.
Kevin Matras goes over three common mistakes of options traders and their foolproof solutions.
Kevin Matras goes over the benefits of a bull call spread and how it can help you earn big profits on relatively small moves. Listen to Kevin Matras explain options trading further in our podcast!
Kevin Matras goes over a neutral to bearish call strategy that you put on as a credit in your account.
Kevin Matras talks about delta and how it can help you decide