Running a small business means keeping a tight handle on cash flow. One way to facilitate the movement of money in and out of your business is to expand your payment options to include credit cards. Allowing customers to pay via credit card can make managing cash flow less stressful and eliminate the delays associated
For people of average wealth, credit cards are ways to get by when money is tight, make additional purchases, or earn generic rewards. The super-rich, however, have access to cards that give them luxurious perks, helping them to further fund their extravagant lifestyles. Many of these exclusive credit cards come only through invitation or by
On July 12, Jefferies analysts downgraded Rocket Companies (NYSE:RKT) from buy to hold while cutting their price target for RKT stock by 31% to $18. Source: Lori Butcher /   As I write this, the mortgage originator’s stock is trading at or near the analysts’ target, suggesting it could be dead money over the
Bill Ackman’s special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) Pershing Square Tontine Holdings (NYSE:PSTH) just dumped its complicated deal to acquire 10% of Universal Music Group (UMG) for the SPAC. As a result, PSTH stock faces more uncertainty and doubt about its ability to close on a large reverse merger. Source: Dmitry Demidovich/ In an interview with CNBC on
Cash-strapped businesses often hesitate to start hiring, even when they need workers, due to the actual cost of hiring employees. It’s easy to forget that the cost of taking on a new employee means more than just their salary, which can be substantial all by itself. But once you factor in the cost of recruiting,