Investing News

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) allows multiple payment options for its credit cards, including in-store payments. The multinational retail company has a store-only card and a general use card; both card balances can be paid at a retail location.

Payment Options With Walmart Credit Cards

Walmart allows its customers to pay credit card balances in a variety of ways. Payments can be made in any Walmart location at the customer service desk. If a consumer is also a Sam’s Club member, he can make a payment at any Sam’s Club location. Payments made in the store post to a consumer’s credit card account within 48 hours. Walmart is unable to look up credit card information in the store, and a physical card is needed to make payment with this method.

Another way is to pay a balance directly online using Walmart’s portal. Consumers can sign into their Walmart credit card account to make a payment to their balances, which posts within two to three business days. Online payments cannot be set up as recurring and need to be done individually.

E-payments can also be made to pay a Walmart credit card balance. These types of online payments can be set up directly with a consumer’s financial institution, and as a recurring monthly payment. A valid checking account is needed.

Consumers can pay credit card balances by phone. The service is free if an automated method is used and costs $10 if a representative helps over the phone. Consumers need a valid checking account with their routing number and account number ready to pay over the phone. A debit card can also be used.

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